Have you ever considered that there are more forms of amusement and entertainment today than ever before? We can travel to places that our parents could not possibly have known about, or ever dreamed of. In our homes, we can be entertained all day long with a multitude of radio and television programmes, switching from channel to channel, and easily avoiding the accounts of the sufferings of this world. In newsagents, there are magazines on every subject imaginable, presented in a blaze of glossy colours to attract our attention. In restaurants, we have a choice of food that other generations never knew. We have everything.
Have you also noticed as you go around the shops and walk through the main streets that you seldom see a happy face or a smile? Everyone is intent on getting something and, in the process, they look harassed and anxious. Nothing must get in their way. Indeed, at sale time, there can be scenes reminiscent of minor skirmishes in a war. For all this, the overall view is one of a lack of fulfilment. As far as I can see, very few people today deny themselves anything. If you have financial problems, there are easily obtainable loans. The lenders persuade you that you must have a new car or a new something - you can have it now and pay later. Trapped! It is the day of instant credit but not of happiness. You know that I am right and that all this is true in the midst of a sad, hungry and suffering world.
You may rightly say to me, ‘You know nothing of my sorrow, my grief, my feelings of rejection and loneliness’. That may be true but we would both agree that the world has nothing to offer and does not reach our need or the longing of our heart. Neither can we ‘snap out of it’. A sad heart is a heavy heart and hard to bear, with which I am in full sympathy. It is also true that very few will give time to our story or have any inclination to say a word of comfort.
I am writing to tell you of One who will listen to the cry of your heart and who cares for you. In reading the Gospels in the New Testament, there is so much to learn about the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. One thing I have learned during my life, and which has always gripped me, is the way the Lord Jesus responded to people. He would notice an insignificant individual and give that person His undivided attention. Christ cares for people.
When our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, there was far more to that remarkable event than the human suffering He went through physically. He was standing in our place. God is a Holy God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, was being punished for our sins by God Himself, in order that we might go to Heaven. There was a man called Isaiah, who lived many centuries before Christ, who described the suffering of Jesus: ‘Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed … and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all’ (Isaiah 53.4-6). No one could have been more alone, or laid so low, as our dear Saviour. But He suffered all this for the eternal benefit of our souls. If your heart is moved, then God is working in you to come to Him and to believe in His Son. In doing this, you turn away from your old sinful self and you are given faith to believe in Jesus Christ. This is always a miracle because it means that, from now on, you are a child of God.
You may say, ‘What about my sad heart?’ I would say to you, ‘First things first: get your relationship with God right.’ Have you ever read the account of His crucifixion? You will remember that two thieves were crucified on either side of Him. One of them turned to the Lord, and even there, Jesus had time for him.
In coming to Him, you now have a Lord and a Saviour and also a Friend. From now on, you will never be alone, and you will never be forsaken. In all your circumstances, He will be there and you will be able to cast all your care upon Him because He cares for you. Listen to Jesus’ words: ‘Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’ (Matthew 11.28). Let me appeal to you, dear Sad Heart. Lift up your countenance and, from the depth of your heart, call upon Him to have mercy upon you. Come now, for joy awaits you.