The majority of the sermon recordings available are those preached at Heath Church from 1962 to 2002. These recordings were audited during the summer of 2006. The archive is mostly made up of reel and cassette recordings. The task undertaken was to transfer the recordings from the reel or cassette to a digital format. This paved the way for creating audio CDs and the provision of free online downloads via the web.
Sunday Mornings: John 17, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Corinthians 13, Isaiah 55, 2 Corinthians 3-5, 1 John, The Ten Commandments, Moses, Joshua, Ephesians.
Monday Bible Studies: Romans, Baptism of the Spirit, Revival, Personal Witness, Early Church, Presence of God, Prayer, Practical Christianity, Soul Winning, Cost of Discipleship, Great Old Testament Prayers, Person & Work of the Holy Spirit, Person and Work of Jesus Christ.
Sunday Mornings: Isaiah 64, Revival, Acts, Zechariah, Sermon on the Mount, 1 Peter, Prayer, Renewal, 2 Peter, John 17, Hebrews, Galatians, Habakkuk, Romans, Jonah, Colossians, Prayers of the Old Testament, Philippians.
Monday Bible Studies: Revelation, Romans, Unction of the Spirit, Genesis, Jonah, James, Song of Solomon, Work of the Spirit, 1 John, Life of David, Prayer of Ephesians 1, Spiritual Warfare
Sunday Mornings: 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, Solemn Assemblies, Song of Solomon, 2 Timothy, Seeking God, Sermon on the Mount, Nehemiah, Romans, Highs and Lows, Great Expectations,
1 Thessalonians, James
Monday Bible Studies: Work of the Spirit, Patriarchs, Characters of the Old Testament, Journeys of Paul, Hebrews, Baptism of the Spirit, Fundamentals of the Christian Faith, Stress & Anxiety, John
The Trust has access to the archive of services held at Tabernacle Cardiff from 2003 onwards together with recordings from other churches such as Berean Baptist Church, Michigan. Tabernacle Cardiff Bible Study series so far include 1 Timothy, Hebrews, Habakkuk, Philippians, Sermon on the Mount, Song of Solomon, first and second epistle of Peter, Ephesians, Moses, Joshua, Ten Commandments and Seeking God.
The Trust welcomes support from other churches and Christian organisations concerning Vernon Higham’s ministry.
We would welcome information you may have concerning his ministry, and we are interested in obtaining archival and recording information as part of our research and outreach.