What do you believe? Do you believe in the God who is the Creator of this vast universe, and upholds it by His power? Do you believe in a God who is so great that He can create this universe and control it? The Lord Jesus Christ said that our God knows of the fall of a sparrow and the number of hairs on our head. Such is His greatness that He is totally aware of the smallest detail. God’s knowledge is total and absolute. Let me add this amazing fact to encourage you: God also knows everything about us and, in the Bible, we are told that He thinks about us.
Do you believe that God so loved this world that it is His desire that ordinary men and women should become His children in a special way? Christmas time is a lovely occasion when we give and receive gifts. I believe that this is a wonderful way of showing our love and affection towards one another. Why do we care? We feel like this because of the bonds of love and friendship that we have for each other. In a greater way, this is the motive that God had in His heart when He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into this world on a special mission. His gift is the greatest of all gifts that we can receive. This plan was in the heart of God from the beginning of time and then put into motion to help and rescue mankind in their great need. Let us consider the full implication of this gift: it was in order to perform something so wonderful in our hearts that all who believe in the Lord Jesus would become heirs of everlasting life. Are you interested? Do you want to know more? Whatever your answer, I will plead with you to read on as it will only take a few minutes of your time, but will perhaps bless you for eternity.
We live in frightening days, when everything we know seems to be threatened, and there is apprehension and even fear in our hearts. Can there be a place of hope? Is there some security or some comfort in this life? Well, yes, there is. Can you accept the fact that you are far from what you ought to be in the sight of a holy and pure God? Remember that the Lord knows us through and through. It matters not whether we are rich or poor, strong or frail, clever or ordinary, old or young; we all need to know that the greatest thing in this world is to have peace in our hearts and to know that we belong to God. It may well be that you have settled this matter already. You may think about these things occasionally; or sadly, you may be opposed to, and impatient about, spiritual matters. I do not intend to offend you; I only desire your spiritual wellbeing and peace with God.
The question arises, how is such a peace possible? Did you know that the Lord Jesus Christ came to this world in order to die for someone like you? The purpose of His crucifixion was a punishment for our sin, a punishment we deserve, but a punishment that He took on Himself. We must understand that God’s holiness recoils at sin and the consequences are severe. Here is One who took our place and was punished for us. Such is God’s love that He sent His Son to help us in this way.
My sin - O the bliss of this glorious thought! -
My sin, not in part, but the whole,
Is nailed to His cross, and I bear it no more:
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul.
It is the work of God that creates all this emotion in the soul. He enables you to turn away from your sin and gives you faith to believe. Yet, you take this step yourself; He gladly receives you as His child, and a place is secured for you in heaven. Of course, you still live in this world, but now you know that nothing is out of His control. This fact is a great comfort and you begin to see that God has a purpose in your life as well.
Think on these things and let your soul dwell upon them.
When I survey the wondrous cross,
On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.
Do not turn away nor merely glance at all this, but survey it. Drink in this fact - that God loves you and will forgive you all your sin through the cross of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, if you believe in His Son. This will mean that Christmas will be full of Christ, and you will also be full of Christ. I plead with you: consider these things, and may the Lord bless your immortal soul.