Title: O Lord, Thy Touch Hath Stirred My Soul
Date: 27/03/1983 (Other)
Speaker: Congregation
Bible Reference: Hymn Singing
O Lord, Thy touch hath stirred my soul
And caused my heart to love;
My quickened mind hath been made whole
To seek those things above.
There is a path of thought so true
That brings me to Thy throne,
And there my heart may mercy sue
And claim Thy grace my own.
Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard
Those things that thou hast there:
For every promise of Thy Word
Awaits my soul to dare.
O why should I let sorrow reign,
When such a God is mine,
Who gives to me and gives again,
And tells me, ‘Mine is thine’?
The riches He hath stored for me
No measurement can tell;
For in the love of Calvary
All with my God is well.
Thy Holy Spirit now hath taught
My being to adore;
The blessings Jesus Christ hath wrought
Shall cause my soul to soar.
William Vernon Higham, 1926-
Tune: Godre’r Coed
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