Title: See Christ The Victor Rasied
Date: 20/03/1983 (Other)
Speaker: Congregation
Bible Reference: Hymn Singing
See Christ the Victor raised
In resurrection life,
The mighty arm of God displayed,
Who ends the strife.
He is the Lord of all,
Whose arm is shortened not;
See devils’ flight, and Satan’s fall,
And hell their lot.
The sting of death is sin,
The power of law declares;
But Jesus Christ the Son doth win –
Our guilt He bears.
Behold, ye sinners, now,
And look to Christ alone;
Behold the blood upon His brow –
He did atone.
Immortal is my dress,
Corruption fled away,
Now robed in Him, yes, nothing less,
In bright array.
O death, where is thy sting?
O grave, thy victory?
The living Christ on mercy’s wing
Grants peace to me.
William Vernon Higham, 1926-
Tune: Leoni
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