Title: I Gaze At The Wonder Of Love
Date: 20/03/1983 (Other)
Speaker: Congregation
Bible Reference: Hymn Singing
I gaze at the wonder of love
My God has unfolded to me;
A love that will plan from above,
A guide that will lead me to Thee.
The grace of Thy covenant care,
Entrances my soul with delight;
For Thou art the God who dost share
Thy riches of grace in my sight.
The things that would bring me dismay,
I lay in Thy wonderful hands;
That maketh all things in Thy way
To serve and obey Thy demands.
The sorrows of guilt and of sin
Forever are taken away.
Thy grace is my comfort within;
Thy word is my strength in that day.
Secure in Thy love I remain,
For no separation can be;
My Saviour forever will reign –
The victor of blest Calvary.
William Vernon Higham, 1926-
Tune: Trewen
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